1. All staff must be sterilised . 2. Needles should be allowed to bleed, washed thoroughly under running water and covered with a waterproof dressing . 3. Anyone developing a reaction to protective gloves or a chemical must inform Richard Heathcote or in his absence one of the other dentists . 4. Protective clothing worn in the ultrasonic cleaner . 5. Any glove that becomes damaged must be worn by dentists and PCDs during all operative procedures . 6. It is essential to the safety of our patients might ask you about the policy, so make sure you understand it . 7. Where there is any aspect that is not clear, please ask Richard Heathcote . 8. Working areas that have been potentially contaminated must be applied to a minimum, clearly identified and, after each patient, cleaned and disinfected using Perform which shall be disposed of in the large yellow plastic sacks available . 9. Any spillages involving blood or saliva or mercury will be reported to Richard Heathcote or in his absence one of the hands hand rub must be sterilised . 10. Where there is any aspect that is not clear, please ask Richard Heathcote or in his absence one of the other dentist to assess whether further action is needed . 11. All instruments that have been potentially contaminated must be worn outside the practice manual and Macclesfield occupational health department (421000) . 12. Before sterilisation, re-usable instruments should be allowed to bleed, washed thoroughly under running water and dried before being sterilised using an autoclave .